Tag Archives: Vocabulary

158.Daily Vocabulary – Detrimental

Detrimental /ˌdɛtrɪˈmɛnt(ə)l/

Meaning: Tending to cause harm.

Synonyms: Harmful, damaging, injurious, hurtful, dangerous, ruinous, calamitous, and disastrous


Ex: These chemicals have a detrimental effect/​impact on the environment.

Ex: Their decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.

Ex: The lack of rain will have a detrimental effect on the corn crops this year.

Robert’s addiction to the pills was not only detrimental to his health but also to his career.

Ex: Pressure from parents can be detrimental to their child’s academic progress

Ex: Shopping online has had a detrimental effect on local communities because people no longer go to town centers to do their shopping resulting in the closure of many small, local businesses.

Ex: He saw the new regulations as a detriment to progress.

Ex: Overexposure to sunlight can have a detrimental effect on the skin.

Ex: She is smart; she knows she is overweight, but I don’t believe she realizes the detrimental health effects of obesity.

Ex: Researchers at University of London’s School of Management suggest being handsome can be detrimental to a man’s career, seriously.










157.Daily Vocabulary – Humongous


Meaning: Huge; enormous


Ex: A humongous building

Ex: Humongous amounts of money

Ex: A humongous dish of ice cream

Ex: I’m sleepy because I ate a humongous lunch

Ex: ​Restaurant serves humungous burgers.

Ex: We had a humongous dress rehearsal

Ex: A humongous surge in small donations

Ex: It’s a humongous company

Ex: I am really not surprised to find such a humongous error



156.Daily Vocabulary – Contemplate

Meaning: Look thoughtfully for a long time at, think deeply


Ex: He contemplated his image in the mirrors

Ex: She contemplated her body in the mirror

Ex: I’m contemplating going abroad for a year.

Ex: They were contemplating a move to USA

Ex: Officials contemplate closing schools as storm nears.

Ex: He contemplated the meaning of the poem for a long time.

Ex: I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job

Ex: I can’t even contemplate sharing a bathroom with someone

Ex: Before spending a lot of money, they decided to 

contemplate buying second-hand.

155.Daily Vocabulary – Transgression


Meaning: An act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence.


Ex: I’ll be keeping an eye out for further transgressions

Ex: A dying woman asking for divine forgiveness for a lifetime of transgressions

Ex: The judge will decide the penalty for my transgression.

Ex: Eva went to confession to apologize for his transgression.

Ex: I never meant to hurt you, I really hope you can forgive my transgression.

Ex: In most cases, your prison sentence will be dependent upon the severity of your transgression.

Ex: He was later fined $10,000 for his transgression


154.Daily Vocabulary – Sacrilege

Meaning: Treating something holy or important without respect

Ex: Many religious individuals view sex outside of marriage as sacrilege.

Ex: According to the scripture, wearing a hat inside the temple is an act of sacrilege

Ex: In my religion, it is considered a form of sacrilege for one to walk on top of a person’s grave.

Ex: It is sacrilege to destroy sacred, religious symbols, even in times of war.

153.Daily Vocabulary – Exfoliate

Exfoliate /eksˈfəʊ.li.eɪt/

Meaning: The removal of the oldest dead skin cells on the skin’s outermost surface. Exfoliation is involved in the process of all facials.


Ex: Exfoliate your legs to get rid of dead skin

Ex: There are several exfoliating scrubs on the market available at your local drugstore for modest prices

Ex: The sugar will provide a soft exfoliation while the honey and avocado will nourish your skin

Ex: Oatmeal scrubs can exfoliate while nourishing your skin.

Ex: A soap that promises to help me exfoliate all that dry, flaky skin I’ve apparently been carrying around

Ex: Exfoliation removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin radiant and smooth

152.Daily Vocabulary – Decease

Decease /dɪˈsiːs/

Meaning: the death of a person

Ex: The house will not be yours till after your mother’s decease

Ex: He deceased at his palace of London

Ex: He had many debts at the time of his decease.

Ex: I don’t know the date of admission, but the date of decease was 6th March 1981

Ex: Families stop organ donations from deceased loved ones

Ex: Organ transplants from two deceased donors.

Ex: Zika virus in the brains of two deceased new-borns

151.Daily Vocabulary – Grand

Grand (informal)

A thousand dollars or pounds.

Ex: He gets thirty grand a year

Ex: Eva new car cost him 20 grand!

150.Daily Vocabulary – Mob

Mob /mɑːb/

Meaning: A large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence, the Mafia or a similar criminal organization, surround.

Synonyms: crowd, rabble


Ex: 50 people were killed in three days of mob violence.

Ex: The usual mob was/were hanging out at the bar.

Ex: A New York mob leader

Ex: A Tanzanian student was assaulted and partially stripped by a mob

Ex: They mobbed the film star.

Ex: If they continue like this there is a danger of the mob taking over.

Ex: Her car was mobbed by the media.






149.Daily Vocabulary – Clumsy

1.Unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training/ lacking social skills

Ex: His choice of words was clumsy

Ex: Clumsy boy in the community

Ex: In a clumsy manner

2.Awkward in movement or in handling things.


Ex: He’s very clumsy – he’s always dropping things

Ex: He made a clumsy, embarrassed apology.

Ex: I’m sorry about spilling your wine-that was very clumsy of me.

Ex: He is very clumsy and is always breaking things.

Ex: His clumsy fingers couldn’t untie the knot.

Ex: The complaints procedure is clumsy and time-consuming.

3.Difficult to handle or use

Ex: Clumsy devices






148.Daily Vocabulary – Angler

Meaning: A person who fishes with a rod and line.


Ex: Angler catches Britain’s biggest fish which weighs more than a GORILLA

Ex: An angler has claimed a UK record for the heaviest carp after trying to catch it for three years.

Ex: The angler said he had planned on submitting another fish he had caught on a previous trip

Ex: Cheating angler caught out after fellow competitor recognised his prize winning catch – which he’d stolen from an aquarium

Ex: An angler who won a fishing competition with a huge bass that he stole from an aquarium has been let off the hook by a judge who spared him from jail.

Ex: An angling contest

Ex: A: Grandma I don’t know you could fish

      B: Your grandpa was an angler

147.Daily Vocabulary – Gloomy

1.​Unhappyand without ​hope

Ex: Gloomy person/​expression

Ex: The cemetery is a gloomy place.

Ex: Gloomy news.

Ex: A gloomy mood.

Ex: I’ve never seen you looking so gloomy.

2.Showingthat things are not going well and will probably not go well in the future

Ex: The economic news is gloomy.

Ex: Gloomy predictions.

Ex: He is gloomy about the fate of the economy.

Ex: Officials say the outlook for next year is gloomy.

Ex: The future, in other words, may sound a little gloomy.

3.Dark/ not bright or sunny, dusky

Ex: Inside it’s gloomy after all that sunshine.

Ex: A gloomy corridor lit by oil lamps

Ex: We’ve had a week of gloomy weather.

Ex: A gloomy old library



146.Daily Vocabulary – Exemplify

Exemplified (verb past tense)

Exemplifying (verb present participle)

Exemplifies (verb present tense)

a) A typicalexample of something

Ex: This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style

Ex: scenes that exemplify the film director’s style

Ex: The bank’s collapse exemplifies the risks of large-scale currency dealing.

Ex: His food exemplifies Italian cooking at its best.

Ex: The high school dropouts exemplify what is wrong with today’s public school system.

b) Illustrate or clarify by giving an example


Ex: I will exemplify my point with a story.

Ex: he exemplified his point with an example

Ex: She exemplified each of the points she was making with an amusing anecdote.

Ex: The citizenship trophies are presented to exemplify the best examples of good citizenship

Ex: Retro Disney Princesses Exemplify The Popular Fashion of Their Eras





145.Daily Vocabulary – Mystify

Meaning: To confuse someone by being or doing something very strange or impossible to explain


Ex: Babies are always so mystified by the simplest things

Ex: I was mystified by her decision.

Ex: I was completely mystified by his disappearance

Ex: Here are the most mystifying lines of her speech.

Ex: Lottery officials were mystified and initially suspected fraud on a massive scale.

Ex: The State Department was equally mystified about news of the verdict.

Ex: Investigators are mystified by the crash, which claimed 104 lives.

Ex: Is it a ghost? Shoppers mystified after stock flies off supermarket shelves

Ex: Pet owners in the town have been left angry and mystified after two cats had their fur shaved off

144.Daily Vocabulary – Pervert

Pervert /pəˈvəːt/

Meaning: A person whose sexual behaviour is regarded as abnormal and unacceptable.

Ex: Pervert who likes to expose himself on the London Underground

Ex: Pervert teaching assistant who was jailed for filming teenager boys naked in changing rooms

Ex: A 12-year-old schoolgirl has been raped on the street by a pervert

Ex: This is the moment a pervert turned up to meet a child for sex