Tag Archives: Vocabulary

173.Daily Vocabulary – Execution

a) The legal punishment of killing someone

Ex: He was executed for murder.

Ex: A convicted murderer was executed in North Carolina yesterday.

Ex: He attempted to escape execution
b) Completion of formalities or steps required to make an agreement or other document legally valid.

Ex: He has failed in the execution of his duties.

Ex: Every day you fail to execute the task

Ex: The film is entirely professional in its execution



172.Daily Vocabulary – Pneumonia

Meaning: Pneumonia is a lung infection that gives you a cough and a fever and generally makes it difficult to breathe.


Ex: She’ll catch pneumonia going out without a coat in this weather!

Ex: A Grandad has died after catching pneumonia

Ex: Pneumonia is far more common than we think.

Ex: Nepal’s former Prime Minister Sushil Koirala has died of pneumonia

Ex: Although little attention is paid to the disease, pneumonia is the main killer of children under age 5 in the developing world


171.Daily Vocabulary – Binge

Meaning: An occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money etc.,


Ex: A drinking/​eating/​spending binge

Ex: He went on a five day drinking binge.

Ex: The kids binged on ice cream.

Ex: A shopping binge at the mall

Ex: He was supposed to go out with a female friend for another night of binge drinking, but she cancelled at the last minute.

Ex: He would binge on chocolate until he was sick.

Ex: Binge-eating disorder is a serious eating disorder in which you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and feel unable to stop

Ex: Netflix is offering binge watchers the ultimate £1,400 per week job. 

Ex: Television shows that assume their audience will binge-watch several episodes



170.Daily Vocabulary – Eye boogers

Meaning: Little balls of mucus found in the inner corners of one’s eyes, usually noticed when one first wakes up

Explanation: Eye discharge, or “sleep” in your eyes, is a combination of mucus, oil, skin cells and other debris that accumulates in the corner of your eye while you sleep.

Eye boogers is called gound, which you may know as eye sand, eye gunk, sleep dust, sleep sand, sleep in your eyes, eye mucus, eye discharge, eye pus.


Ex: I have eye boogers.

Ex: Eye boogers, eye gunk…whatever you call it, eye mucus is a big concern for many people.

Ex:  Why do we get eye boogers after sleeping?

Ex: Any eye boogers left in your eyes?




169.Daily Vocabulary – Detangle

Meaning: Remove tangles from (hair).


Ex: Detangling is a crucial part of all hair care. Detangling is simply using a hair-care tool to comb or brush through your hair

Ex: Apply oil or conditioner, or a mixture of the two, onto your curly hair. Detangle it before washing.

Ex: The use of your fingers is the gentlest way to detangle your natural hair. While most people say that finger detangling consumes more time, this technique is the cheapest that could give perfect results.


168.Daily Vocabulary – Tangle

Meaning: Twist together into a confused mass


Ex: Did you brush your hair today? I did yes…..

       Then why is it still tangled?

Ex: I brush my hair a lot, and then it gets tangly

Ex: Tangled hair is never fun. In fact, it’s quite painful when you can’t get them out, right?

Ex: Have you ever wondered why your hair tangles, and what you could do to fix it?

Ex: Conditioning the hair will restore moisture back into it, leaving it smoother and less likely to tangle

Ex: Using a wide tooth comb is a much better idea, trust me! Not only will it remove the tangles more efficiently, but you will also protect your hair from being torn and damaged. 

Ex: Did you know that hair can also get tangled while you sleep?



166.Daily Vocabulary – Exquisite

1. Extraordinarily fine or admirable

2.Extremely or delightfully beautiful

3.Very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do thing

4.Exquisite pain or pleasure is felt very strongly


Ex: He had an exquisite sense of style, which was unusual for a country boy.

Ex: The jewellery shop owner set up an exquisite display to attract customers.

Ex: She wore an exquisite dress, which left all the guests staring in surprise.

Ex: An exquisite piece of china

Ex: Her wedding dress was absolutely exquisite.

Ex: The room was decorated in exquisite taste.

Ex: Showcases the best pieces from his exquisite array of artwork

Ex: Look at this exquisite painting

Ex: She has exquisite taste.

Ex: Exquisite weather

Ex: My hearing has always been quite exquisitely sensitive

Ex: The exquisite colours of a sunset.




165.Daily Vocabulary – Anicdotes

Meaning: An anecdote is a short and interesting story taken from a person’s past experience – or that of someone they know or have heard about

Synonyms: story, tale, narrative, sketch; urban myth


Ex: He told anecdotes about his job

Ex: He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.

Ex: He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood.

Ex: Told us once again that anecdote about the dog and the bike

Ex: Oliver kept us entertained with anecdotes about his friends.

Ex: The Facebook page, in particular, has become a place for mums and dads to share their stories and anecdotes about the reality of life with children.

Ex: We need you to send us written anecdotes and stories as well as scanned, memorable pictures

Ex: Send us your tips and anecdotes about travelling in Japan for the chance to win a £400

Ex: Would you tell personal anecdotes as entertainment?



164.Head lice and nits

Having head lice, also called nits, doesn’t mean you’re dirty. Children are most commonly affected

Head lice are tiny insects that live in human hair. They’re very small (about the size of a sesame seed) and are browny-grey in colour.


If your child has head lice, you might be able to spot the remains of the tiny white egg in their hair. This is called a “nit“.

Some people also use the word “nit” to mean “head lice“.

Ex: Head teacher sent an email saying some children at nursery have nits

Ex: You’ve definitely got nits. Nits makes your hair itchy

Ex: Until I’ve got rid of nits, you can’t go to nursery

Ex:How did I get nits, Mummy?

Ex: Nits can spread from head-to-head when children play together

Ex: This is a special comb to get rid of nits





163.Daily Vocabulary – Affluent

Meaning: Having a lot of money; wealthy.

Synonyms: Rich, wealth, abundant, prosperous, filthy rich


Ex: Affluent nations/​neighbourhoods

Ex:  Affluent homes; affluent living.

Ex: He is becoming more and more affluent

Ex: Children from poor families who live in affluent areas have less chance of attaining good exam grades.

Ex: Jeremy Corbyn has criticised David Cameron for abolishing university maintenance grants for less affluent students

Ex: Students from less affluent backgrounds would be increased.

Ex: Consumers in more affluent countries have developed a taste for premium chocolate

Ex: Bill Gates has been very affluent enough to buy airplanes

Ex: The Airforce is not affluent enough to buy airplanes

Ex: Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people.

Ex: He is affluent and can afford to send his children to the best schools



162.Daily Vocabulary – Henchman

A trusted follower or supporter who performs unpleasant, wrong, or illegal tasks for a powerful person (such as a politician or criminal)


Ex: The leader of the gang went everywhere accompanied by hishenchmen.

Ex: The dictator’s henchman

Ex: Get me that man, Eve told his henchmen, no excuses, no maybes.

Ex: Listen to me, Eve, you dog, and let your henchmen hear me too!

Ex: Police issued 22 arrest warrants for both mafia chiefs and henchmen, Reuter’s reports.

Ex: He sent one of his henchmen with orders to seize the lands


161.Daily Vocabulary – Envoy

a) A messenger or representative, especially on a mission to represent the interest of someone else.

b) Someone who is sentas a representative from one government or organization to another


Ex: The king sent his envoy to discuss his daughter’s marriage to his rival’s son.

Ex: As my envoy, my attorney will make my wife an offer to quickly settle our divorce.

Ex: Because the prince cannot attend the benefit, he is sending an envoy in his place.

Ex: The envoy travelled ahead of the queen to make sure the castle would be ready for her arrival.

Ex: India’s new envoy to UK presents credentials to Queen

Ex: he served as an envoy to France

Ex: UN envoy welcomes Palestinian unity talks

Ex: Turkey in favor of continuing dialogue with Russia, Turkish envoy says

160.Daily Vocabulary – Hopscotch

Hopscotch /ˈhɒp.skɒtʃ/

A children’s game in which a player tosses or kicks a small flat stone, onto a set of ​joined ​squares ​drawn on the ​ground and ​jump on one ​leg and then on two ​legs into each ​square to get the ​stone


Ex: I would assume that everyone has played hopscotch, or at least has seen other children play hopscotch

Ex: There was always time to play hopscotch


160.Daily Vocabulary – Murals

Meaning: Paintings on walls are called murals


Ex: She said people would come from all over to see her beautiful mural

Ex: I’ve always wanted to make a large mural

Ex: May be I could be a mural painter one day

Ex: He’s also an extraordinary artist who’s created dynamic and colourful posters, murals

Ex: A woman wearing Ziggy Stardust style make-up reacts as she visits a mural of David Bowie in Brixton

Ex: He finished the mural in 10 days in January as part of an ongoing street art


159.Daily Vocabulary – Black magic

Meaning: Magic involving the supposed invocation of evil spirits for evil purposes.

Synonyms: Witchcraft, wizardry

Ex: I believed in black magic and white magic.

Ex: People who perform black magic may not even know they’re doing it.  When you say, “I hope you get run over by a car!” to someone in anger, you are casting black magic

Ex: Especially don’t tell her she is a witch who practises black magic in a churchyard at midnight.