Tag Archives: Vocabulary

178.Daily Vocabulary – Weary Ex: She was wearied by her persistent cough

Meaning: Very tired, especially after working hard for a long time

Synonyms: Tired, tired out, worn-out, exhausted, fatigued, overtired, sleepy, drowsy, wearied


Ex: She was wearied by her persistent cough

Ex: I think he’s a little weary after his long journey.

Ex: Here, sit down and rest your weary legs.

Ex: The weary journey began again

Ex: She was weary of their constant arguments

Ex: He wearied of living in hotel rooms.

Ex: Weary eyes; a weary brain

Ex: A weary smile.



180.Daily Vocabulary – Ingenious Ex: He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget

Meaning: Very smart or clever, original, and inventive

Ex: He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget

Ex: She was ingenious at finding ways to work more quickly.

Ex: He was ingenious enough to overcome the limited budget

Ex: An ingenious solution to the problem

Ex: An ingenious idea/method/solution

Ex: He sent me an ingenious reply for an email.

Ex: This fellow is ingenious; he fixed a problem I didn’t even know I had.


183.Daily Vocabulary – Distant Relatives Ex: I’ve got some distant/far relatives in Australia.

Meaning: Distant relatives means far away or not immediately connected relatives

Ex: “distant cousin,” which means a person who is not a first cousin, but is a second, third, etc.

Ex: I’ve got some distant/far relatives in Australia.

184.Daily Vocabulary – Pantry Ex: Homemade jams and pickles are stored in a separate pantry off the kitchen

A small room or cupboard in which food, crockery, and cutlery are kept.


Ex: Keep your pantry well stocked with pasta.

Ex: Homemade jams and pickles are stored in a separate pantry off the kitchen

185.Daily Vocabulary – Edify Ex: These books will both entertain and edify readers

Meaning: Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.

Synonyms: educate, teach, coach, train,  develop


Ex: No doubt Hamish will edify us on the subject

Ex: These books will both entertain and edify readers

Ex: A family-oriented show that tried to edify the TV audience as well as entertain it




186.Daily Vocabulary – Lucrative Ex: The childcare business is not very lucrative.

Lucrative /ˈluːkrətɪv/

Meaning: Producing a great deal of profit.

Synonyms: Profitable, moneymaking, high-income, well paid


Ex: A lucrative career as a stand-up comedian

Ex: Tennis wear has become a very lucrative business for both manufacturers and tennis stars

Ex: The childcare business is not very lucrative.

Ex: A lucrative marketing strategy.





187.Daily Vocabulary – Patronize Ex: A professor who patronizes his students.

Meaning: To speak to or behave towards someone as if they are stupid or not important


Ex: Stop patronizing me – I understand the play as well as you do.

Ex: How about you stop patronizing me?

Ex: She’s a good-hearted girl,’ he said in a patronizing voice

Ex: A professor who patronizes his students.




182.Daily Vocabulary – Lately Ex: Have you talked to Marianne lately?

Meaning: Recently; not long ago.

Ex: She hasn’t been looking too well lately

Ex: Have you been doing anything interesting lately?

Ex: I’ve been in high spirits lately.

Ex: Have you talked to Marianne lately?

Ex: He has been feeling better lately.

Ex: Lately, she has been worrying about her son

Ex: Have you seen either of them lately?




181.Daily Vocabulary – Patio Ex: In the summer we have breakfast out on the patio

Meaning: A paved outdoor area adjoining a house


Ex: In the summer we have breakfast out on the patio.

Ex: There’s a patio in the center of the apartment complex



179.Daily Vocabulary – Foster parents


Foster parents, are people — other than a kid’s parents — who give a kid a safe place to live and grow. Foster parents take kids into their homes and take care of them for as long as kids need. Together, they become a foster family.

foster parents.png

177.Daily Vocabulary – Meticulous Ex: She proudly showed off the pantry in her kitchen, which is meticulously organized

7Meaning: Very ​careful and with ​great ​attention to every ​detail.

Synonyms: Careful, accurate, correct


Ex: A meticulous craftsman

Ex: Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.

Ex: He described the scene in meticulous detail.

Ex: He is meticulous about keeping accurate records.

Ex: Meticulous research

Ex: Her home was described as being meticulously neat and tidy.

Ex: She proudly showed off the pantry in her kitchen, which is meticulously organized



176.Daily Vocabulary – Freebie

Meaning: A thing that is provided or given free of charge.

Ex: On the store’s opening day, the manager gave out hats, small toys, and other freebies.

Ex: I got this CD as a freebie for buying a receiver

175.Daily Vocabulary – Discreet

Meaning: Careful and prudent in one’s speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid embarrassment.

Synonyms: careful, close-mouthed, close-lipped, cautious, secret

Ex: The family made discreet enquiries about his background.

Ex: We made some discreet inquiries

Ex: The teacher was discreet in discussing the student’s behaviour.

Ex: lovers seeking a discreet place to meet.



175.Daily Vocabulary – Podium

A small platform on which a person may stand to be seen by an audience, as when making a speech or conducting an orchestra


Ex: He was at the podium facing an expectant conference crowd

Ex: A bomb was discovered under the speaker’s podium at the conference.

Ex: Tears ran down her face as she stood on the winner’s podium.



174.Daily Vocabulary – Induction

a) An ​occasionwhen someone is ​formally ​introduced into a new ​job or ​organization, ​especially through a ​special​ceremony:

Ex: Her induction as councillor took place in the town hall.

Ex: An induction course/​program/​ceremony

b) The production of an electric or magnetic state by the proximity (without contact) of an electrified or magnetized body.
