Daily Archives: January 30, 2017

252. Heckuva – Daily Vocabulary Ex:Heckuva job you’re doing on foreign policy

adv. Used as an intensiveadj. Excellent; exceptional

Ex: Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, President George W Bush publicly praised his emergency management head, Michael Brown, for doing a “heckuva job” 

Ex: It’s only one week into Donald Trump’s presidency, and he already has his first “heckuva job”

Ex: A heckuva singer.

Ex:Heckuva job you’re doing on foreign policy

251.Annihilation – Daily Vocabulary Ex: Catastrophic nuclear event can annihilate the earth.

Meaning: Complete destruction

Ex: The brutal annihilation of millions of people.

Ex: Doomsday Clock Ticks 30 Seconds Closer to Global Annihilation 

Ex: Catastrophic nuclear event can annihilate the earth.

Ex: His larger goal, however, was to speak out against the threat of nuclear annihilation.

250.Hypothermia – Daily Vocabulary Ex: Thousands of refugees at risk of hypothermia

Hypothermia is an emergent medical condition in which the body starts losing heat rapidly and the temperature of the body fall down rapidly resulting in the vital organs of the body not able to function appropriately. An individual is said to have Hypothermia if the body temperature of that individual falls down below 35 degrees Celsius. If Hypothermia is not treated emergently it may cause complete malfunction of the heart, nervous system, and respiratory system leading to death. Hypothermia mostly occurs when an individual is exposed to extremely cold weather without proper warm clothes or staying in cold water for an increasingly long time

Symptoms of Hypothermia

Some of the symptoms of Hypothermia are:

* Shivering

* Dizziness

* Feeling hungry

* Nausea

* Rapid breathing

* Problems speaking

* Confusion

* Coordination difficulties

* Fatigue

* Rapid heart rate

* Shivering, as the condition worsens

* Drowsiness

* Weak pulse

* Shallow breathing.

Ex: The winter could bring hypothermia, pneumonia and other respiratory illnesses.

Ex: Every winter hypothermia extends its icy grip, causing extra deaths per year in England

Ex: Phil said: “It is hard to imagine that you can die in your own home – of hypothermia.

Ex: Thousands of refugees at risk of hypothermia 

Ex: Police find 19 migrants suffering from hypothermia in back of lorry in temperatures of -20C

249. Peekaboo – Daily vicabulary Ex: Barron Trump Plays Peekaboo With Ivanka’s Son

A game played with a young child, which involves hiding and suddenly reappearing, saying ‘peekaboo’

Ex: Rohith came over and played peek-a-boo with him

Ex: Is there anything better than playing peekaboo with a baby?

Ex:  Peekaboo! I see you!

Ex: Where is baby? Peekaboo!

Ex: Crazy laughing during peekaboo

Ex: Barron Trump Plays Peekaboo With Ivanka’s Son

Ex: A magical video shows an unborn baby at 16 weeks “waving” to its parents and playing peek-a-boo.