Daily Archives: January 28, 2017

Image Vocabulary – Croutons

Image Vocabulary – Sawdust (Very small pieces of wood that are left when you have been cutting wood)

Very small pieces of wood that are left when you have been cutting wood

246.Daily vocabulary – Scramble

a) To compete or struggle with others for possession or gain
Ex: The children scrambled for the coins we tossed.

Ex: Like other retailers, the company is scrambling to adapt to today’s internet market.

Ex: More than three million fans are expected to scramble for tickets.
b) to move somewhere quickly and in a way that is not graceful

Ex: I scrambled out of my seat to hand her the book.

Ex: They stopped the car and quickly scrambled out.

Ex: My whole family scrambled as they looked for a hamster.

245. Daily vocabulary – Enunciate Ex: He enunciated each word carefully, like I was hard of hearing

Say or pronounce clearly.

synonyms: Pronounce, articulate, say, speak, utter, express

Ex: He sings in a soft voice, carefully enunciating his syllables as if uncertain he’ll be understood

Ex: He enunciated each word slowly

Ex: He enunciated each word carefully, like I was hard of hearing

244.Daily vocabulary – Ageist Ex: Tech companies in Silicon Valley are ageist.

Treating older people in an unfair or insulting way

Ex: The article seemed somewhat insensitive and ageist to me.

Ex: Tech companies in Silicon Valley are ageist.

Ex: Elderly people are suffering ‘ageist abuse’ in the wake of the vote to leave the European Union

243.Daily vocabulary – Doomsday Ex: It’s time to prepare for ‘Doomsday’

DoomsdayThe last day of the world’s existence

Ex: You could talk till/until doomsday = for a very long time), but they will never change their minds.

Ex: The Doomsday Clock is now 2.5 minutes to midnight, but what does that really mean?

Ex: It’s time to prepare for ‘Doomsday’

Ex: Doomsday predictions

242.Daily vocabulary – Vigorous Ex: Little girl brushing her teeth vigorously with a white toothbrush

In a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; Synonyms: strongly, powerfully, forcefully, aggressively

Ex: Little girl brushing her teeth vigorously with a white toothbrush

Ex: Woman caught on video vigorously shaking baby on street corner

Ex: I nodded my head so vigorously

Ex: The women take turns washing their hands, scrubbing them vigorously.

Ex: Good-bye,” she said, vigorously waving both hands as she went away.

Ex: “It is!” declared the boy, rubbing his own face vigorously.