Daily Archives: January 24, 2017

230. Daily vocabulary – Scoure Ex: He scoured the shops for a black shirt

Scour /skaʊər/ To scour means to examine something very, very closely. Having lost his contact lens at the party, Robert asked everyone to scour the room to help him find it.

Ex: Police scoured internet sites, art galleries and checkpoints in their hunt.

Ex: The attorney and his firm are scouring social media, looking for more videos of the shooting.

Ex: They scoured the countryside for the lostchild.

Ex: The detective scoured the scene of the crime for clues.

Ex: He scoured the shops for a black shirt

Ex: Luke scoured auction sales for the furniture they needed.

Ex: I scoured pin-interest for cute ideas for picnic

Internet Slang words – OTP, LOL, MEME, CANON, SHIP, BEBO

1. OTP means “One True Pairing

2. OTT means “Over The Top”

3. LOL means Laugh(ing) Out Loud

4. MEME means an idea that spreads like a virus by word of mouth, email, blogs etc

5. CANON means “Original, official”

6. SHIP means “Romantic relationship”

7. BEBO means “A social networking site”

8. BFF means “Best Friends Forever”


229.Daily vocabulary – Lisp Ex: I was teased a lot at college because I spoke with a lisp.

A speech defect in which s is pronounced like th in thickand z is pronounced like th in this.

Ex: Alfi has a lisp

Ex: Why do some people have lisps?

Ex: Life with a lisp is difficult

Ex: I was teased a lot at college because I spoke with a lisp.

Ex: I should mention now that I have a slight lisp

Ex: You think I have a lisp but I don’t know 

228.Daily vocabulary – Fugly Ex: This beautiful gadget can replace your fugly old Wi-Fi router

Very ugly or unattractive.

Ex: Apple’s new Airpods are feature-rich but fugly

Ex: 7 ways to fight fugly feet this summer

Ex: This beautiful gadget can replace your fugly old Wi-Fi router

Ex: Oh, that dog is fugly!

227. Daily vocabulary – Curl up into a ball

Ex: It’s one of those weeks where I feel like curling into a ball and hiding from the reality of situations.
Ex: Not sure if I should cry or just curl up into a ball
Ex: I just want to curl up into a ball and disappear for a bit. I know it won’t make the problems go away
Ex: I love my life but yet random times I feel like I just want to curl up into ball and cry
Ex: When we receive bad news, all we want to do is curl up into a ball, have a bit of a cry
Ex: No idea whats wrong, i wanna just curl up into a ball

226. Daily vocabulary – Cringe Ex: Donald and Melania Trump’s first dance at the Inaugural Ball will make you cringe

When you cringe, your body language shows you don’t like what you see and hear. You close your eyes and grimace.You may even jerk your body away from the offensive sight or sound

Whether it’s a song you hate or someone mentioning an embarrassing moment from the past, you cringe at things that are unpleasant.

Ex: My old picture makes me cringe whenever I see it

Ex: I always cringe when I hear that song.

Ex: Just the thought of eating broccoli makes me cringe.

Ex: A dog cringes at the sight of its master holding a stick.

Ex: Donald Trump takeover on This Morning – though fans cringe at awkward interview

Ex: Ryan Gosling cringe as he is forced to watch his childhood dance routine

Ex: Donald and Melania Trump’s first dance at the Inaugural Ball will make you cringe