Daily Archives: January 18, 2017

215.Daily vocabulary – Palate The palate /ˈpælᵻt/Ex: The tea was so hot it burned my palate

The palate /ˈpælᵻt/ 
a. Is the roof of the mouth in humans and other mammals.

Ex: The tea was so hot it burned my palate

Ex: A cleft lip and palate is the most common facial birth defect in the UK

b. The sense of taste

Ex: I keep your palate satisfied by bringing snacks like fruit, protein bars and sandwiches

Ex: It’s amazing how your palate and your body adjust, to both good and bad habits.

Ex: The sandwich is definitely engineered for a kid’s palate.

Ex: She’s been working hard on a menu that will please the palates of all her guests.
Ex: Chinese Cuisine for the Japanese Palate

Ex: To appeal to a modern palate, native chef gives tradition a little twist

Ex: West talks about enjoying wines and trusting one’s own palate

233. Daily vocabulary – Lounge

a) In a house, a lounge is a room where people sit and relax. 

b) In a hotel, club or other public place, a lounge is a room where people can sit and relax.

76.British Slang – Okie dokie (Hokeydokey or okie-doke or okey-dokey or okie-dokie or okle-dokle means “Yes, satisfactory, alright, etc; ok”)

Hokeydokey or okie-doke or okey-dokey or okie-dokie or okle-dokle means “Yes, satisfactory, alright, etc; ok”

A: I’m going to the store.

B: Okie dokie.

A: I’m going to cook.

B: Okie dokey

232. Daily vocabulary – Colossal Ex: You have taken up a colossal challenge

Extremely large or great.

Ex: Las Vegas sports books take just colossal losses on Sunday

Ex: She has put on a colossal amount of weight

Ex: They spend colossal amounts of money on their dogs 🐶 

Ex: I have a colossal amount of homework

Ex: A colossal statue/blunder/achievement/animal

Ex: Obese women shouldn’t wear maxis. It makes them look even more colossal.

Ex: You have taken up a colossal challenge

Ex: Colossal 3D TVs 📺 

33. Daily phrasal verb – Head back Go in the direction from which you came (turn around and return to where you were before) Ex: It’s getting late, lets head back home.

Go in the direction from which you came (turn around and return to where you were before)

Ex: It has been a great day, but we should head back home 🏡 

Ex: It’s getting late, lets head back home.

Ex: It’s Time to Head Back to School!

Ex: Rush on NH as people head back to work

Ex: Let’s head back to class before we’re marked absent