Daily Archives: January 15, 2017

74.British Slang – Sick Ex: That car is sick!

Sick – interesting, cool, never seen before. The more sick something is, the better.

Ex: oh mu gosh! It just looks so sick

Ex: That car is sick!

Ex: snowboarders doing sick tricks

Ex: How was the film today? That film was sick

222. Daily vocabulary – Hooligan Ex: A football “hooligan” has been jailed and banned from matches for three years.

A violent young troublemaker, typically one of a gang.( thug, rowdy)

Ex: Hooligans are attacking the people and assaulting women and snatching away their belongings.

Ex: A football “hooligan” has been jailed and banned from matches for three years.

Ex: A video of ‘hooligan’ tourists brawling in a Thai McDonalds has gone viral.

Ex: Hooligan jailed for abusing

221. Daily vocabulary – Gruesome Ex: During this month alone, four gruesome incidents took place in the district.

a) Frightful and shocking
Ex: During this month alone, four gruesome incidents took place in the district.

Ex: The most gruesome murder

Ex: Model mauled by dog shares gruesome injury pictures

Ex: The gruesome assault was captured by a security camera.

b) full of or causing problems; distressing (unpleasant)

Ex: Terrifying Raw cannibal film trailer is so gruesome it’s making people vomit and pass out

Ex: gruesome catering

Ex: a gruesome day at the office.

220. Daily vocabulary – Deal breaker Ex: Why you shouldn’t have dating deal breakers?

A factor or issue that, if unresolved during negotiations, would cause one party to withdraw from a deal.

Ex: He told me he never wanted to have kids, which is a deal breaker for me, so we decided to end the relationship then and there.
Ex: When my girlfriend started smoking, it was a deal breaker, so we broke up.

Ex: I wanted to take that job, but the boss was a really rude guy, so I decided against it. For me, rudeness is a deal breaker.

Ex: The benefits package became a dealbreaker in the negotiations.

Ex: Is cheating a deal maker?

Ex: Why you shouldn’t have dating deal breakers?

219. Daily Vocabulary – Philtrum piercing

A popular type of upper lip piercing, it involves the perforation of the philtrum, a vertical groove located in the middle region of the upper lip below the septum of the nose. It is also known as philtrum piercing.

219.Daily Vocabulary – carnivore Ex: Lions are carnivores

A carnivore is an animal or plant that eats the flesh of animals. 

Carnivores are predators. They hunt and eat other animals to survive. Mammals that are carnivores have sharp teeth adapted for ripping meat from a carcass.
Carnivora is an order of mammals that includes wolves, dogs, cats, bears,seals, lions and others

Ex: Lions are carnivores

218. Daily vocabulary – Manure Ex: Manure piled in a farm field


animal dung used for fertilizing land.

Ex: She is bringing manure in the bucket on her shoulder.

Ex: Manure piled in a farm field

Ex: The process of composting manure is simple. You’ll first need to select a site for a compost heap. Mix the animal manure you’ve collected from your animals with other organic material such as hay, grass clippings or straw

Ex: A Russian sculptor made a giant sculpture of a rooster out of manure