29.Phrasal Verb – Nip out/round/down/off/over

Meaning: To go somewhere quickly or be somewhere for only a short time

Nip out

Ex: Can you nip out/round/down to the shop for me?

Ex: Should I nip out and get some groceries?

Ex: Cheryl’s just nipped out to the bank. She’ll be back in a minute. 

Ex: Nip off to the shops before they close and fetch me some milk, will you?

Ex: Have we time to nip down the pub for a quick drink?

Ex: I’m going to nip off early so I can catch my train.

Ex: He nipped off to the gym.

Ex: I am nipping over to Grannie’s

Ex: Can I nip out for a bit?

Ex: He nipped over to Paris for the weekend  

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