166.Daily Vocabulary – Exquisite

1. Extraordinarily fine or admirable

2.Extremely or delightfully beautiful

3.Very sensitive and delicate in the way you behave or do thing

4.Exquisite pain or pleasure is felt very strongly


Ex: He had an exquisite sense of style, which was unusual for a country boy.

Ex: The jewellery shop owner set up an exquisite display to attract customers.

Ex: She wore an exquisite dress, which left all the guests staring in surprise.

Ex: An exquisite piece of china

Ex: Her wedding dress was absolutely exquisite.

Ex: The room was decorated in exquisite taste.

Ex: Showcases the best pieces from his exquisite array of artwork

Ex: Look at this exquisite painting

Ex: She has exquisite taste.

Ex: Exquisite weather

Ex: My hearing has always been quite exquisitely sensitive

Ex: The exquisite colours of a sunset.




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