165.Daily Vocabulary – Anicdotes

Meaning: An anecdote is a short and interesting story taken from a person’s past experience – or that of someone they know or have heard about

Synonyms: story, tale, narrative, sketch; urban myth


Ex: He told anecdotes about his job

Ex: He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.

Ex: He told us all sorts of humorous anecdotes about his childhood.

Ex: Told us once again that anecdote about the dog and the bike

Ex: Oliver kept us entertained with anecdotes about his friends.

Ex: The Facebook page, in particular, has become a place for mums and dads to share their stories and anecdotes about the reality of life with children.

Ex: We need you to send us written anecdotes and stories as well as scanned, memorable pictures

Ex: Send us your tips and anecdotes about travelling in Japan for the chance to win a £400

Ex: Would you tell personal anecdotes as entertainment?



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