27.Phrasal Verb – About to

About to

Indicates something that will happen very soon; indicates that something is imminent.

about to

Ex: I am about to leave

Ex: I’m about to cry

Ex: I’m about to sleep

Ex: I’m about to fall over

Ex: We are about to run out of coffee

Ex: He’s standing at the edge, and I think he’s about to jump

Ex: She is about to become the youngest scientist

Ex: A legal agreement between two people who are about to get married

Ex: Indiana weather roller coaster ride about to start

Ex: One US city is about to get smarter buses

Ex: Someone Is About to Win the Largest US Lottery Jackpot

Ex: HR staff to share some of the known warning signs indicating you may be about to be given your notice. 

Ex: Hurry up! The ceremony is about to begin!



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